Author Archives: Julia Wojdacz

The Importance Of Search Engine Optimization in Your Marketing

Many people ask what search engine marketing is and how can it pertain to their business?  Search engine marketing is the promotion of your website through search engines while obtaining more web traffic to your website.  This in turn generates more leads for potential sales within your business.  Some SEO experts think that a very important part of search engine marketing is pay per click advertising.

What is pay-per-click advertising and how can it aid my business website?

Pay per click advertising brings in internet traffic to your website once your pay per click campaign is active. You can actually start receiving targeted visitors to your site within minutes, provided of course you have set up your PPC campaign correctly.  SEO on the other hand will minimally take hours, days and in some case three to six months before you will see results.

Ensure your business website is registered with the major search engines:

Within today’s world, unbelievably more people spend more time on the internet as compared to those who do not use the internet. The younger generation (ages 18 to 35) spends more time upon the internet as compared to other market groups.  No matter the market group, which you are targeting, you must ensure your business website can be found within the major search engines upon the internet.  Internet visitors utilize the search engines in searching for products, services and information.  If you do not have your business listed within the major search engines, you will be losing business or even worse go out of business.

 What can SEO do for my business website?

The most effective method of search engine marketing is search engine optimization.  SEO improves the quality as well as increasing the multitude of traffic to your business website through the major search engines.  The more often your business shows up within the major search engines, the more visitors you will receive to your internet site, which will in return generate more leads as well as sales for your business.

What is the big deal about rankings with my business website and search engines?

You want your business to rank well within the search engine rankings.  Upon achieving good rankings, you will find that your business website will bring people in who are looking for particular services or products.  These are commonly titled “potential customers”.

 SEO is not a one-time deal

SEO requires a lot of time as well as your efforts in obtaining success.  This is not a one-time thing, which you must perform.  SEO in order to be effective must be updated continually; as well as often.  If you are not confident with your own SEO skills, I would recommend you hire a professional SEO to aid you with your SEO needs.  This will allow you to focus on other matters pertaining to your business.

How important is search engine marketing?

Search engine marketing is very important for your business and should be permanently instituted within your marketing plan for your business.  If you utilize search engine marketing effectively, you will find that your business will experience the success you have worked so hard to achieve.

How To Write Effective Articles

A website is only as good as its content. If people don’t want to read what is on your site, then they will not use your services, either because they don’t trust you or don’t have the patience to sort through the content to find out what your service is. It is important to have well-written, direct articles on your site to keep users interested and generate revenue.

A simple way to get excellent articles is to hire a professional writer to develop them, but that can get expensive, especially if your site is just starting out. For many people, it is far more economical to write your own articles. But before you tackle this task, make sure that you’re up to it, because the quality of your articles can make or break your website or online business. Here are some tips to help you get started.


Online, less is more. When you’re writing articles to post on your site, try to put as much white space in as you can. Break paragraphs up and try to keep it so the user needs to scroll as little as possible to read the entire article. Also, if you can, include pictures with the articles. The goal is to make your articles appear as short and text-light as possible, so users won’t be intimidated and not bother reading them.


A way to make the formatting easier is to keep your articles short. Again, the object should be to require as little scrolling as possible. The Internet is called the Information Super-Highway, not the Information Back Road. People are looking for as much from articles in as small an amount of time as possible, so help them out. Keep your sentences simple and easy to understand, without any unnecessarily long or academic words. Just be careful not to fall into the trap of writing like a child. You have to walk a fine line when writing for the Internet.


Try to organize your articles so that the paragraphs can be broken up very easily into sections under descriptive headings. This will make the reading experience much smoother and faster for the user by allowing them to pick and choose what they want to read, as well as helping them find a specific piece of information when they come back to your inspirational and enlightening articles. Do your best to make these headings catchy and fun, not boring chapter headings. They should draw the readers into the articles, not keep them away in fear of boredom.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a mandatory skill when writing any articles for the Internet. Basically, SEO is using the same keywords over and over again in articles so that they are picked up by search engines, giving your website a higher search engine ranking. Search engines dominate the Internet, and you won’t bring much traffic to your site if you don’t use SEO. There are a number of articles and sites online that can help you write with effective search engine optimization technique. One thing to be careful of is not to use too many keywords in any of your articles. 2.5-4% is usually a good ratio. Any more and the reader will get turned off by the repetition, which defeats the purpose of SEO.


Never accept a first draft. No matter who you are, it won’t be up to your potential. After you write an article, put it aside for a day and don’t think about it. Then come back to it with a fresh set of eyes. You’d be amazed at what you’ll pick up, both grammatically and content-wise. Ideally, it won’t be uncommon for you to write three or four different drafts of an article before you find the one that you really like. Never be content with your first attempt.

Anyone can write effective articles for their site without hiring a costly professional writer. All it takes is practice and research. Read everything you can online to see what the writing style is. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, so find a writer or group of writers online whose work you admire and copy their basic techniques. Eventually, you’ll find your own rhythm for your articles. Having your voice on your site will add a personalized touch to your site that users will appreciate, because no one knows how to say what you mean better than you. The key is to just keep writing.



SEO Tips For WordPress Marketing

WordPress is one of the most powerful marketing tools that are available on the internet today. It can be used to create a blog for your internet business or your very own website to promote your product. What is really great about WordPress is that you can create either of these in a matter of minutes even if you do not know how to do HTML. The key to a successful WordPress blog or website is the SEO  – Search Engine Optimization Capability. Here a few tips that you can use on your WordPress Marketing blog or website to make it SEO capable.

1. Permalinks –  Permalinks are the links that are created when you post your blog article in WordPress, for example, .  You need to be sure that you are using permalinks on your WordPress site.  By default your WordPress software contains web URL’s which contain question marks and numbers inside of them. These links are hard for the search engine web crawlers to attach themselves to. As a result your site will not be indexed as fast as it would normally be.  Using permalinks it is easy for the web crawlers to crawl your site by using the keywords, which is very important, to have in your permalink.  WordPress also, however, does offer you the opportunity to create custom URL’s for both your permalinks and archives.  You will be able to find this option under your Administration panel go into Settings then Permalinks.

2. Titles – In the permalinks section of your WordPress marketing software you have the option of date and name based.  This option will place the year, month, date, and post title in your URL.  For the SEO web crawlers it is best to have the name of your site appear in the front of this URL.  So instead of using the basic URL you should choose Post name URL and create a link that has your site name appearing first.  So your post would be listed as the example above

3. Tags – Tags are a great addition to your site on a SEO standpoint. They will enable the search engines web crawlers’ crawl through your site more easily and also it will allow you to create specific pages for your tags and keywords. You can also install the Ultimate Tag Warrior for your WordPress.

4. Page Titles – You will need to make sure you have good titles on all of your webpages.  Just as you put the site name at the beginning of your URL you will need to do the same thing with your page title.

5. Post Titles – The post titles that you choose should be clearly written.  Do not stuff these titles with keywords that you are using to target your site or blog. Choose your keywords carefully when you are posting and get those words in your post title.

6. Autolinks – You will also need to cross link to your own posts and pages in your content. You do this by linking keywords to your relevant posts.

7. Relevant Posts -Be sure to post links to related posts under all your postings. This will help the web crawlers that are crawling through your site and indexing all of your posts.

8. Ping Services – Each time you post or edit either a posting or a page your WordPress blog can notify a variety of different sites that you have updated your blog.  It is very important that you use this step.

9. Google Sitemaps – Google has a tool for you that are called Google Sitemaps. This tool will help you index your site and allows you to tell Google which pages are the most important.

10. Categories – Categories will help you organize your content. If you have your permalinks turned on, the category names will appear in your URL. This is why it is very important that you name your category names very carefully. Try and make sure that you use keywords to name your categories and do not be afraid to make loads of them. WordPress gives you the ability to use sub categories and sub-subcategories so make as many categories you can. This way you are able to down your focus on certain keyword phrases.

Creating a WordPress site that is SEO ready is simple if you know how to do it correctly. Using these steps can help you create a great SEO site in no time.

In my next article I will explain why it is important to share your content across your social media sites.

Article Theft…What to do about it?

I have read several articles, blogs, and message board postings concerning the rise of article theft. Specifically, this is where your article is lifted from your site without your permission or pulled from a third party site.

In many ways I consider the internet to be the “Wild West” in terms of lawlessness.  People who Ignore established and set rules is very common, which means that us law abiding folks have our work cut out for us.

It may surprise you, but I don’t take action in many cases of known article theft. Why? Because, I just don’t have the time to police everything. I know of authors who check every link to their site, but that work is both tedious and time consuming.


A golden rule: If someone takes my article without my permission and the content and links are still in place, I don’t worry about it. If they take my article and change the content, paragraph headers, the title, or steal credit for themselves, then I will contact the offending party and demand that they make the appropriate corrections. Even for links that are broken, I generally let these types of mistakes slide.

When it comes to writing, time is money. I only respond to egregious violations while letting everything else slip by. I would rather spend my time making money instead of losing that time to chasing down violators. No, my policy or “golden rule” isn’t perfect, but it saves me from being bogged down in what I find to be a wasteful pursuit.

Search Engine Marketing For Your Business

The days of merely adding, a Free Business Listing in is over.  Where this can be an effective search engine marketing strategy for local business, as well as aid you in ranking well within Google Maps, you still have the option of adding Google Coupons which appear within your Business Listing within Google Maps and YouTube video as well as images.

 The internet has many advantages for your marketing strategy:

Ensure that you explore as well as implement a more broad search engine marketing strategy even if you only have one business website ranking upon Google for your business. Take advantage of the internet while applying search engine marketing strategies.

Take advantage of the free tools offered by search engines to advertise your business:

No matter if you utilize a Marketing Expert or you perform these strategies yourself for your business, you will find that you can build upon a Business Listing.  There are numerous free tools, which you can utilize while expanding your products and services.  This will generate more leads while proving to be not only effective but cost efficient.  You will find this is far more effective as compared to the Yellow Pages or other online directories.

 Integration is the key:

You must understand that Search Engines do not replace your business website.  You can however integrate your website with the search engines while ensuring that any questions potential customers might have will be answered.

Customers have many questions about your business:

More times than not, customers will ask if your business is trustworthy. They will also request information pertaining to prices, which your business offers on your products and services; which you provide.  Customers will also ask for recommendations of what will be most beneficial for their particular needs.

 Bringing in new customers:

You will want to bring in new customers for your business.  If you are successful in your search engine marketing strategy, you will find that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to accomplish this; or does it? On the other hand, you will find that constructing a search engine marketing strategy does however require time as well as commitment.  If you are finding yourself stretched too thin or you are confused on some of these tactics, you might want to consider hiring a marketing expert to aid you with your project.

Stay ahead of the game

Can you believe that the majority of small businesses do not have their own Facebook page?  If they do they don’t utilize it to their advantage. Even though this is hard to believe it is a reality.  Most local small businesses owners don’t have the knowledge or time for accomplishing this task; this is where you will be one-step ahead of your local competitors.

In utilizing a search engine marketing strategy, you will solve one of the largest challenges for most small businesses, who are needing to get ahead of their local competition.

Article Shelf Life: Getting the Most Out of What You Write

The internet is definitely for the “here and now.” Always changing, what may be popular one day may be irrelevant the next. A den of “fast track fads” is what the internet has become. Still, if you are an article writer, you know that the web content you provide for your customers today must have an extended shelf life with it, otherwise your customers lose out and your reputation sinks. You can write relevant and persuasive content that doesn’t lose its sheen with time.

It is a given that if you write seasonal articles these very same articles will quickly lose their appeal once the season is over. Few people are interested in Valentine’s Day pitches outside of January and February, but you can keep their interest strong year round by not directly focusing on products, but on the history of the holiday. I have discovered that my seasonal articles are likely to get read “out of season” if they deal more with something beyond an overt sales pitch. Give readers something to digest other than talking about chocolates and flowers; you can discuss “love” a timeless subject with universal appeal!

In addition, stay away from explicit dates. If you mention something to the effect, “here in December 2005…” you will quickly age your article in no time. This can be difficult to do if you are mentioning something like current mortgage trends or recent world events. All of those hurricane articles you read just a few months ago seem distant and certain to be ignored by readers who are focusing on current events [however, they may become valuable again when the next hurricane season rolls around]. It is okay to write current event articles, but expect them to quickly fade into oblivion once the event has passed. A reasonable length of time for an article should have at least one year’s appeal before an update might be necessary, given the fast paced changes on the web.

Happy Writing!


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Success For Your Business With Search Engine Optimization

Most people that have been working on the internet know the information that I have listed in this article. Please feel free to pass this article on to people you know who are just starting a business.

The internet is a very competitive place to conduct business within our current society. By developing a good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plan and your business stands a great chance of being successful upon the internet.

How important is Search Engine Optimization with marketing?

Search Engine Optimization allows internet users to view your business website ahead of the obvious competition, which does exist upon the internet. Search engines are very much a part of making your business website successful.

Familiarize yourself with Google:

One of the major, if not most important, internet search engines is Google. Google has numerous factors, which they consider to determine how websites are ranked. Google is one particular search engine, which any website owner must contend with. You must be familiar with the factors, which Google utilizes in ranking your business website, if you cast this fact aside; you are going to have serious problems promoting your business upon the internet.

A few of these factors are the number of back links to your site from other sites. You also will find that proper use of keywords will play a role in the ranking of your site. Proper optimization and number of pages on your site, are also a factor in determining your overall ranking within the search engines.

Will pictures or videos help with my website rankings?

Adding relevant pictures and images can help your site. Especially when they are tagged with the proper keywords. As far as videos go, the general consensus is that a good relevant video will help your site get ranked much higher in the search engines. Once again proper keyword tagging and a keyword title will be key to getting your site ranked. This is where good SEO comes into play.

When should I begin thinking about SEO?

You should begin thinking about SEO before and during your website being developed. Additional and updated SEO can be done after your site is fully developed and launched. Your website developer should be able to speak to you about good SEO strategies, if your website developer can’t or will not discuss this with you; you need to find one that will. Without proper SEO to your site you will have a major problem getting ranked within the search engines.

Keywords and your website

The next thing, which you must do in utilizing search engine marketing, is to find keywords, which will be suitable to place within the text content of your website, which you are promoting. Do understand that you must not merely flood your website content with keywords, Google along with many search engines frown upon this. You will need to ensure the content as well as keywords are carefully placed and within your really great and relevant web content.

What if I am not confident with performing SEO?

A good SEO consultant can aid you in utilizing particular formula’s, which govern how many keywords should be placed in your website content. SEO consultants can also aid you with understanding the rules and regulations pertaining to this marketing method.

What do I do now?

You will need to give your business website an edge within the major search engines. Some website owners make the huge mistake of constructing very extravagant and very expensive websites, with all the little trinkets, only to find that their website performs badly within the major search engines.

A good SEO consultant can aid you with learning effective SEO techniques. I would recommend hiring an SEO consultant which of course will require payment for their services. However, the expertise brought into play by these professionals can save you not only money, in the long run, but precious time and energy

8 Mistakes You Should Avoid Before Sending An Article To Ezine Publishers.

Get your article published; avoid some mistakes that many article authors did.

Sending successful articles to ezine publishers could exposed your website to thousands of subscribers even millions of readers online.

However, to do this successfully, you must compete with others internet marketers. They also send articles to the same ezine publishers like yours.

The question is…How to make your article stand out of the crowd?


Your article goes to the trash bin.

Here are some common mistakes many article authors did:

Mistake Number1: Wrong-targeted niche market

Many article authors send their article to the wrong-targeted niche market. Send your article to the targeted audience. Do not try to blast your article to all ezine publishers.

Mistake Number 2:  No Subject

You do not write your article headline on your subject email. Many article authors send their article without subject line. Instead of writing “New Article submission” “article for your publication,” consider “New article – 6 Mistakes You Should Avoid Before Sending Article To Ezine Publishers.”

Mistake Number 3: Not being unique

Your article content is a blatant idea. The Topic are you write about is like the other publishers and not much different. Make your article fresh and unique. Learn something new in your market. Convert what you learned into a unique article. You could write an article on the topic “how to,” “Tips” or anything that comes to your mind. Even an article, entitled “how to avoid SPAM,” “how to hack hackers back.”

Mistake Number 4:  Advertising article

Your article deals more on promoting your product or affiliate program you have joined. Writing advertising articles only will kill your business online. Give your website info only on your resource box. Give something free like free e-books, free report, or free download. Make your readers visit your website to receive their free bonus.

Mistake Number 5:  Lack of valuable information

Your article does not educate your targeted audience. People subscribe to ezine to receive valuable information. If they receive information on a topic they do not want, or does not educate them at all, they will unsubscribe. Therefore, ezine publishers will not publish your article. Many ezine publishers provide information as best as they can to their subscribers.

Mistake Number 6:  Spelling problem

There are too many spelling errors in your article. Sending an article with too many spelling errors only wastes your time. Check, your article twice before publishing it. You could use spell-checking software.

Go to the major search engine and type “free spell-checking.”Most word processor today have built in spelling check feature. For instance, MS Office can check the misspell words for you with an underline in a red color.

Mistake Number 7:  Article is not formatted properly

Make sure your article is formatted with 65 characters per line. The length of your article must between 500-750 words. Formatting your article will make it easy for the ezine publisher to copy and paste it. You could send your article through MS Outlook Express.

Go to “tools” menu and click “Options.” Click “Send” tab and choose mail-sending format to “plain text.” Then click “plain text setting” tab, select 65 characters for automatically wrap text when sending email.

Mistake Number 8:  There is no Personalize message

Personalize your email message with a short cover letter. Personalization of your emails is very important because many ezine publishers receive hundreds of article submission every day. Also, include your article information in your personalize message.

Avoiding these mistakes listed above will make your article successfully published by many ezine publishers on the net. Good luck.