Tag Archives: business

Social Network Marketing And What It Can Do For You

Most people ask the wrong questions when talking with marketers: “How can you make money off social networks?”

The value is placed on social networks such as Facebook, Pinterest, Orkut, Friendster, LinkedIn, Mixx, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Twitter and Flikr, while ignoring the real reason these networks were setup and how you can use those ideas to help your business……

The top social networking websites which are Facebook, Twitter, and now Pinterest were founded as a way to stay in touch with friends and family and to meet new people online that all share the same ideas. LinkedIn has a similar slant – it is great for entrepreneurs and professionals who want to keep track of their contacts for hiring / outsourcing. Flicker is just a blindingly simple tool for sharing photos.

The success of social networks marks a dynamic shift in how people are using the Internet. We have evolved from just searching for information to creating and participating in social spaces with other individuals through the Internet. This model is based upon the hive mentality where people identify themselves as part of a group with similar likes and interests that draw them together.

Social networks make viral marketing and word-of-mouth marketing much easier than before. The best use of social networks is not to make money ‘directly’ off them, but to harness their marketing potential and to use them to market your own business. The best way to do that is to optimize your website (including the process of link building) for your target keywords.

Online social networks present an efficient platform for you to use in the spread of your marketing message. In addition, they are also a great tool for getting tons of visitors and thousands of page views to your site.

What this all means is that you need to devote more of your attention towards how you can leverage the traffic you do receive from these sources. To do that, you should allow your visitors to create their own social network centered on your niche topic. The power of this cannot be missed since social networks allow for multiple points of connections between almost anyone on Earth, giving them the ability to find, share, enjoy, and track anything and everything that tickles their fancy.

Social network marketing works in the exact same fashion, except people choose to provide your link without being asked to do so, and places like del.ici.ous, Digg, Blogpulse, and Technorati give them the ability to do that. In offline terms, that means turning towards your friends and family to ask for their opinions. Online, it means turning towards a group of trusted people whose opinions and recommendations you value.

In fact, in lots of cases, you’ve probably done some research on your own, using the traditional search engine marketing model and then turned to a social network that you’re a part of to validate your findings and complete your research by getting their experiences and opinions about the topic. This is social network marketing at work in its purest form.

Online social networks provide the platform needed to speak out (if they are so inclined) or to simply watch the conversations as they happen.

Success For Your Business With Search Engine Optimization

Most people that have been working on the internet know the information that I have listed in this article. Please feel free to pass this article on to people you know who are just starting a business.

The internet is a very competitive place to conduct business within our current society. By developing a good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plan and your business stands a great chance of being successful upon the internet.

How important is Search Engine Optimization with marketing?

Search Engine Optimization allows internet users to view your business website ahead of the obvious competition, which does exist upon the internet. Search engines are very much a part of making your business website successful.

Familiarize yourself with Google:

One of the major, if not most important, internet search engines is Google. Google has numerous factors, which they consider to determine how websites are ranked. Google is one particular search engine, which any website owner must contend with. You must be familiar with the factors, which Google utilizes in ranking your business website, if you cast this fact aside; you are going to have serious problems promoting your business upon the internet.

A few of these factors are the number of back links to your site from other sites. You also will find that proper use of keywords will play a role in the ranking of your site. Proper optimization and number of pages on your site, are also a factor in determining your overall ranking within the search engines.

Will pictures or videos help with my website rankings?

Adding relevant pictures and images can help your site. Especially when they are tagged with the proper keywords. As far as videos go, the general consensus is that a good relevant video will help your site get ranked much higher in the search engines. Once again proper keyword tagging and a keyword title will be key to getting your site ranked. This is where good SEO comes into play.

When should I begin thinking about SEO?

You should begin thinking about SEO before and during your website being developed. Additional and updated SEO can be done after your site is fully developed and launched. Your website developer should be able to speak to you about good SEO strategies, if your website developer can’t or will not discuss this with you; you need to find one that will. Without proper SEO to your site you will have a major problem getting ranked within the search engines.

Keywords and your website

The next thing, which you must do in utilizing search engine marketing, is to find keywords, which will be suitable to place within the text content of your website, which you are promoting. Do understand that you must not merely flood your website content with keywords, Google along with many search engines frown upon this. You will need to ensure the content as well as keywords are carefully placed and within your really great and relevant web content.

What if I am not confident with performing SEO?

A good SEO consultant can aid you in utilizing particular formula’s, which govern how many keywords should be placed in your website content. SEO consultants can also aid you with understanding the rules and regulations pertaining to this marketing method.

What do I do now?

You will need to give your business website an edge within the major search engines. Some website owners make the huge mistake of constructing very extravagant and very expensive websites, with all the little trinkets, only to find that their website performs badly within the major search engines.

A good SEO consultant can aid you with learning effective SEO techniques. I would recommend hiring an SEO consultant which of course will require payment for their services. However, the expertise brought into play by these professionals can save you not only money, in the long run, but precious time and energy

What Kind Of Challenges Do You Have In Your Business?

I am considering adding new services to my business so that I can help more small business owners do what they love. I would love to know what sort of challenges that you are having with your business? If you’re an author, speaker, coach it doesn’t matter. Do you conduct webinars? Teleseminars? What kinds of struggles are you having? Are you a brick and mortar business and need extra office help? Let me know what sort of assistance that you may need. We can brainstorm on different ideas that may be out there for you . I would love to hear from anyone who has challenges in their business. Please leave a comment at the end of this post. All comments will be read. Thank you in advance for your input.

Have You Made Plans for Your Business Future?

You’re a small business owner, and you are ready to retire, or move on to something else, what are you going to do with the business?

I find in talking with a lot of different small business owners that they really don’t have any succession planning put into place, I know that I don’t. So what are you going to do with your business? Who is going to take it over, when you retire, or worse yet, you can’t run your business? Your kids, your right hand person in the business, who would it be?

A savvy business person would have more than one person in mind. They would start training that person and giving them more responsibilities now, to see if that person can handle the pressures of running a business. Don’t wait until something happens, and then your business would be in an uproar. Start making plans today for succession planning, and update it on a consistent basis. This way if your first plan doesn’t work out, you have enough time to try something, or someone, else.

To help you get started with succession planning there are a variety of companies that it is their forte. I suggest you should look for a reputable one in your area. It also depends upon the size of your company. Some succession planners only deal with a certain sized company.

There are also software programs out there to help you get started. Upon Googling “Succession Planning” I found these links:

  • Halogen Esuccession
  • Succession Wizard
  • Silkroad Succession Planning
  • These three are in the top 10 on Google. Now I have not tried any of these, and so I cannot recommend any one over the other; but, feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this post after you have tried them. I would love to hear back from you.

    So who is going to be taking over your business?

    Article by: Julia Wojdacz
    Julia’s Virtual Assistant Service
    “Helping Your Office Run Smoothly”