Tag Archives: webinars

Great software to help you in your business or personally!

I just found out about some great new software while I was working on a transcript for one of my clients.  One of her friends suggested that her clients use a program called JingProject.com.  So, I wanted to share this with all of my friends across the internet who stop by and visit my blog.  JingProject.com is a great tool that you can use to help you if you hold seminars, webinars or just want to teach someone how to do something in particular on the computer, or if you want to record a video as well.  All you have to do is go to JingProject.com and download this software for free.  They even have a free video tutorial to get you up and running in no time.  You can either use it as a screen shot to take just a screen shot of a particular item, or you can record videos to give someone a demonstration on how to do something.

Another great tool that I found is Screenshot Captor.  This is strictly just for capturing a bunch of screen shots to save, or just to send someone a screen shot.  I think VA’s like myself would really find this tool very handy. For example: if you have a client and that you are working for, and you are doing some web design for them, or posting articles in article submission sites and you have a question, you just take a screen shot with this, you can highlight the area in question or even add an arrow to point to the question that you have.  I am really looking forward to using this particular software.  Along with the JingProject.com.

So go ahead, try these out.  Both of these sites are free.  They do ask for a small donation, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.  Any comments that you have about this software would be great if you would leave them at the bottom of this post.  Make it a great weekend!

Going Green With Your Next Teleseminar

How would you do that, you may ask? Well, repurposing them of course! Drag out that old teleseminar audio that you have sitting in your desk drawer getting dusty. Did you ever take a listen to it? I bet there is a lot of pretty good material on it that you can repurpose into info products.

Now, repurposing your teleseminar it’s easy and in this day and age with everyone wanting to “Go Green” it’s even environmentally friendly.
You have your teleseminar transcribed and you can use the transcript in many different ways.

Consider these:

• Repurpose for future teleseminars
• Create a blog post
• Write an ezine article
• Create an info product

You may even get it featured on the “!”

All of the ways that I have mentioned are environmentally friendly; because you post links to all of your blogs, articles, info products on your social networking sites, eg., Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, or your website; and, all of this is a paperless enterprise where you wouldn’t be using paper, hence no trees that would be cut down.

By promoting your event on these sites you are letting people know that you’re conducting a very important and interesting teleseminar, and, that there will be a downloadable transcript plus the audio. Why have both? The audio could be made available be for the people who could not attend the teleseminar; but would like to listen to it on their Ipod. The transcript would be made available to people who prefer to read it on their computer screen or to print it out thereby allowing them to annotate the document. Some people just like to make notes and doodles!

There you have it. You just “Went Green” with your teleseminar!