Tag Archives: law firm

Legal Secretaries by Julia Wojdacz

Paralegal and Transcription

I started as a legal secretary over eleven years ago. When I started in the law office it was part-time as a receptionist. Over a period of time, I worked my way up to being a legal secretary. Suddenly, the attorney came in and gave me a tape and said “here, please transcribe this and do whatever it is on there.” I thought to myself, “what?!” “What is a transcript?” “What do I do with it once I’m done?” I wish that someone back then would have been around to inform me of what transcription was, and what I was supposed to do with it.

As a graduate from a college with my Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies, I find that the college that I attended said nothing about a paralegal needing to know transcription. So, I have set out asking paralegal students if they knew they were supposed to know transcription. You would not believe how many of them look at me dumbfounded and asked “Transcription, what is that?” “How do you do transcription?” “What is the purpose of it?”

Even with the electronic age and quite a few attorneys creating their own work, there is still a need for transcription. Attorneys may interview a witness from a car accident, it needs to be transcribed into something that the attorney can use. Defense Attorneys may have to have a jail-house taped conversation of one inmate calling someone on the “outside” transcribed, or a transcript of something that went down on the inside from a recording.

There is a misconception that transcription is easy to do, that anyone can do it. I’m sorry but I disagree! I have set out to prepare paralegals and to teach individuals how to prepare concise, good quality transcripts.

Transcription is an “art form” not just anybody can do it. You have to be able to capture the context of what the person is saying, but still have correct punctuation and grammar. The School of Transcription is your continuing education to teach new paralegals and individuals the art form of transcription. Won’t you join us today to learn the “right way” to do transcription? Classes are starting soon. Seating is limited! Don’t wait! Start your membership today! Click on