Beware of What’s Hidden Within

Earlier this spring we all heard about the worm/virus Crypto Wall or Crypto Hijacker. Well, I know it may seem a bit late to write about this worm/virus but I wanted to share my experience with this very hellacious worm/virus, recently.

I have never opened a strange attachment this year so far. The only thing that I can think of is that this worm/virus was attached to a browser update that automatically downloaded. I don’t want to name names because of not knowing for sure, but you even have to beware of what you are downloading even though it doesn’t seem malicious.

Suddenly a few weeks ago I got a warning that showed up in Notepad program warning me that my files were corrupted. It said that my computer files were now under a security key that I would have to go to a really odd website I could get my files retrieved, of course I did not do this! The hackers will send you several links with odd addresses to go to.

Instead I went onto Google and researched what this Crypto thingy was. And the information I found out was not only maddening, but really made you think how malicious these hackers nowadays can get just to not work and blackmail money out of us innocent citizens who work hard for our money.

Apparently, these hackers hijack your computer either by an attachment or piggybacking into your computer. Now, mind you, this worm/virus can stay dormant and not do anything for months! This is what I am dealing with.

As I mentioned at the opening of this article, this worm/virus was found out earlier this year in spring. I was told by a technician that it could have lied dormant all this time and suddenly it went active.

So, now your computer is hijacked, and you get this warning on Notepad about going to this really odd website –which please do not do this should you get this screen. The instructions, once you are on their website, is to pay a ransom of either $750 up to $1,500 to get your files back. Once the ransom is paid then you will get their “key” to get your files returned unharmed – supposedly! Personally, I wouldn’t trust their word on it.  There are other alternatives!

Tune in next week for the alternatives that I found……







1 thought on “Beware of What’s Hidden Within

  1. Donna Merrill

    Hey Julia,

    Indeed an interesting post. We all should be careful about our content and avoid any issues like virus or malware it can certainly create worse situations.

    ~ Donna


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